Powder Coating

Custom Powder Coating

There are many, many advantages to living in Delaware. However, one of the (minor) drawbacks are the east coast winters to endure.

As difficult as it can be to stay warm during the frigid, snowy, rainy and dreary nights, it? Important to note that weather can also have an adverse effect on equipment or on important possessions. The same can be said for summer days when it is abnormally hot.

If you are worried about keeping metal equipment, car parts or other important metallic items in your life safe, you should consider giving them a professional coating.

Crazy Coatings offers custom weather resistant powder coating in Middletown, DE to ensure our client?s possessions are properly equipped to withstand the rigors of difficult conditions. Don?t let your investments fall to an early death because of corrosion or deterioration that could have been prevented by a professional coating. Best of all, a professional coating will also improve the overall appearance of your item.

To learn more about how we can keep your metallic items safe in unideal conditions, please contact us at your convenience.

Why Choose Powder Coating?


There are many advantages to choosing Powder Coating over tradition or sprayed on painting. The first being a fraction of the price.


BUT with added resistance to chipping, flaking, color fade and other wear. This is due to the oven cured process with the ability to have a greater material thickness.


Just because it's based around an industrial durability doesn't mean it can't look as good as a custom metallic paint job.

Color Choices

Powder coatings have come quite a long way in developing endless color choices!



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